zzoooommm iiiiinnnn...stop! btw, pamongpraja police stopped by and asking if they can have some of our can.For paint their motorcycle i guess..weird!...
zooooommm iiinnnn....
wide shot production infront ANTAM building with Artcoholic,Toter,SamCrew,Kriem,Mator and other.click the image for bigger preview
Another UNFINISH BIG PRODUCTION issues.Artcoholic,Tutu,Toter,Mase,Morden,and other do'in some graffitti action for TSUNAMI VICTIM'S tribute at bintaro wall around motorcross field.Then The blue uniform came up then the brown cops.They stopped the action because they don't wanted to be warned by their commandant.Period.Doh! These guys know nothing about art and just wanna save their own ass..btw,guess what we found behind the wall.A lot of abandon mistery car..
There's a lot UNFINISHED BUSINESS in December Production calendar.Rain was the first enemy,Cops at 2nd, and local sequrity at 3th. Wormo,Kibon(Toter),Tutu,Darbotz,Curut(Artcoholic),Ogam,Wendy were bombing legal backyard.Local security came up and stopped the action.They wanted us to clean up the wall.C'monguyz,where ur sense of art? It's a big production..huh.
there's the details. I HATE HORSES.. why? you don't want to know...really
The monstaaa battle of Joy/ Toter/Darbotz/and Tutu at PI Soccer Field. Btw, It's Luscent (USA) piece's under my squirrel.The Action was interupted by rain..DOH!
Tutu did it again,with Bizarre and King Kimz at Antasari Street Jakarta.The party was interrupted by the snake suddenly appears from the back of the wall.....waaaaaa!!!!!! (finaly,we sprayed the snake with white color...Go home, whiteboy!harhar..No pic for that thang,sorry!)
Tutu/ Bizarre/ King Kimz/ Chrome were bombing Senopati Street Jakarta.Check tembokbomber.com for details.No problem with da police, but a car full of fancy chicks stopped by and asking us to draw for t-shirt design..what the?? no way babe!! how's about bombing your bedroom?
SQUIRREL SQUAD artwork in Airsickness bag.I draw it in the airplane.These dedicated to airplane travel-phobia
We trade stickers.Even Shieko and Ork give us their artwork in Gipsumboard.So, we trade with our artwork in maneqin that we found around Bugis market.Harharhar...Ork with his dream bodyshape.
Trase,Ork,Shieko and many more
Visiting Art tease event, above bugis market.Paint by YOK,Killergerbil,Blokka....
Collabs, mister?
Li'l Pink Devil and Darbotz.Dinner with all ARTVSTS Spore artist at Far East
Aahh..chitchat with Phuek!,Sue,12Delta,Li'l pink devil,YOK,and Killergerbil at Starbucks Suntek Convention.Nice!
And they have a lot of good time with artist around the world like Killergerbil,12Delta,Trace,Phuek! and lovely Sue,Li'l pink devil (Sing),YOK(Melbourne),Ork,Shieko(Malaysia),Blokka(Netherlands),Patrick and Patrick from Faile(UK),Kostas(USA),Rostarr(USA), and many more.
Tutu,Suzuka,Darbotz,Slyndicates,Ranger bastard, and Bizarre goes to Singapore to watch DESIGN EDGE Conference and Expo by IDN.