fun production at pondok indah..a lot of crew (including kruzer, the local alien who came from Belgium yo!), good audience, and surrounding by many pedagang asongan.hahaha..yeah,adnan,muth,from artcoholic and broke share the wall with my tijuana loco squirrel and wabbit..
The money wall.mix between favorite gangsta and hero. And the doodle awesome with tommy gun and bitches
yeah..this is real king piece..the Royal Porn Dunk..with 2 version, full color and Bw, made in under pressure condition...not for syo!
THREE KINGS, guard by miami's all about king a ling ding attitude..King Kims and King Bizzare will open the ceremony..and me, i have a gig at the same time at Jakarta..damn..iam really sorry guyz..
Who Needs Art? Vol.2
Three Kings "Shades from the Capital J" The Exhibition
J-town Finest: Kims Tutu Bizarre
Sunday 5/3/2006 7 pm at Sundays Movie Club Jl. Lombok 43 Bandung. beers,bitches and them good shits!
Actually is Ogam's farewell party.My tupai ride the plane,oh shit! I forgot drew the aussie flag.damn!
Another big production with Older, Racht, Joy, Tutu, Graver, Beqs, Darbotz, Mumu and Toter, Artcoholic, Cabi, Break,Ogam, and friends at the other side of the wall. Totally fun prodo yo!
A present for OGAM TAKU (Collab between TUTU vs UNCLE JOY ). Acrylic on canvas. Don't forget the traditional games, me and Joy,still playing badminton kampung..hehehe
tight collaboration with KING DIGGAZ ,jacky hekkelaan ( from Netherlands. Still waiting his templete toyz from China for modified.Iam in the list!! iam in the list!!hooraayy..